Saturday, July 31, 2010

Life at the "Lakey Lake"

Day 15: Saturday, July 31, 2010
Life at the "Lakey Lake"

Feeling better and happy to be settled in one place for a week, we started off our Saturday at the Lake of the Ozarks right - on the boat.

With Mark a the wheel, our first stop was Gators - a very green and very fun restaurant where Andrew furthered his love of sweet potato fries and also discovered ranch dressing. Big day for him, as it would be for anyone who was trying such a delicious condiment for the first time.

Mark, Jerry, and Andrew wore matching American flag shorts that they picked up at Walmart for five dollars each - but the look was priceless.

Mark's smooth driving over the "lakey lake" (as Andrew calls it) put our sweet little man to sleep not once, but twice...

Mom and Dad took advantage of the sleeping baby whenever they could...

As the night closed in, Mark and April dominated Jer and Sue in the customary game of Sequence. Plans were made for the rest of the week and soon we were all off to bed in the fabulously frigid house (but, hey - that's what blankets are for).

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